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Natural Disasters and Data

In a data driven world the saying goes, “Location matters.” In 2016, contingency planning is a major consideration for businesses with both virtual and physical environments. Environments where data stands the risk of being compromised or lost in a natural disaster.

Natural disaster recovery research has found that small businesses lose an average of $8,000 per hour in the wake of an event. It also indicates an increase in losses for those without sufficient off-site backup. The fact is, over 50% of US geography is disaster prone; and at least 5 major cities are at risk of catastrophic natural disasters.

The economic effects of these events are far-reaching and highly variable. But many have reassurance by utilizing cloud-technology. Technology that will enable non-retail businesses to survive natural disasters without any significant operational downtime. Data that is accessible anywhere, anytime – from a safe, secure and reliable location is the best way to mitigate the adverse effects of natural disasters.

The Tax and Accounting industry can particularly benefit from a cloud-based infrastructure in disaster prone areas. By hosting your QuickBooks and other Tax Applications on a dedicated server, you can work from anywhere, and rely on rolling-data backups. Weather and natural disasters can cause destruction to physical assets, but preventative measures such as hosting your data in bullet proof server facilities could be a life-saver for your business.

Cloudvara’s Data Centers are located in Dallas, TX, one of the lowest risk areas in the country – receiving an “A” grade for low earthquake potential, “Very Low Risk” rating for tornadoes and a “Medium Risk” mark for hurricane-related damage.

See Cloud Hosting