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89% of People Expect Their Jobs to “Be Partly Remote” After Pandemic Ends

According the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) they have reported that 89% of people said their preference in the future will be for a job that allows them to work from home at lease occasionally. Rainer Strack, a Sr. Partner in BCG stated that “People got a taste of remote work during the pandemic, and it has completely changed their expectations. It sends a very clear message that nine out of ten people want some aspects of this to be sustained. Employers can no longer treat working from home as the occasional perk anymore”.


Fortunately, Cloudvara with its reliable and proven Cloud Hosting solutions; is and has been; available to support this trend since 2012 creating secure and reliable remote work solutions for all popular Windows applications including QuickBooks™. According to James Zachman, the President and CEO of Cloudvara, “we have seen this trend throughout the pandemic and we (Cloudvara) were well positioned to meet the requirements of the market with our cloud hosting solutions which include rapid deployment, secure Microsoft Azure data infrastructure, 24/7 support, and above all a high level of security.”


Source: The Public Record Vol. 48 – Edition #27, April 6, 2021